The Faire
The Ceremony
The Rings
The Reception

Just Us

The Music

The Video Clips

The Ceremony

The ceremony was held at the Royal Pavilion in the center of the Alabama Renaissance Faire. Louise Bennett, a licensed Humanist counselor, administered the vows. There was limited seating for the guests but the ceremony was performed in the open so any of the faire attendees nearby could watch if they pleased, and many did. Frankly, I think Liana and I were a little dazed by the time the ceremony actually commenced but, fortunately, thanks to our friends and family, we have many photographs and a video recording of the happy event so we can see it with clear eyes.

The Guests Arrive

The Herald Announces

The Procession

The Introduction

The Vows

The Kiss

The Presentation

The Conclusion

Meeting Our Guests

Posing for Pictures

The menu to the left will take you to groups of thumbnail pictures; click on a particular thumbnail to view the larger photo.