Chuck Wilson banked his P-80 Shooting Star for another look at the thing below. He'd just been admiring the countryside stretching to the horizon. It reminded him a bit of East Texas, flat and green with low rolling hills and scattered copses of trees. But it wasn't Texas; it was Russia, the western most bit of Russia that wasn't occupied by the German Wehrmacht.
Click anywhere on the picture to see a larger version (135 Kb)Rolling across the Russian countryside was a monstrous machine that was all too familiar. A giant steel wheel, two hundred feet in diameter, bristling with guns and huge conical cleats on its rim, it demolished every thing in its path. The Blackhawks had battled a Nazi machine like it back in 1940. They called it the “War Wheel”. They had defeated that War Wheel, and another just like it a few months later, but it had been a close call both times. Chuck keyed his mike, “Blackhawk Six to Blackhawk Base, over.”
“Blackhawk Base to Blackhawk Six. I read you. Over.” Chuck recognized Boris' voice and wondered why he was standing radio duty instead of working on their aircraft.
“Blackhawk Base, is the Boss there? I've got some bad news. Over.”
“Sorry, Blackhawk Six, everybody's gone. They got a priority call from Allied Command. Can't talk about it on an open frequency. Over.”
“Damn! Well, if they check in, tell them I've spotted a War Wheel about fifty miles west of Stovropol. I'm going down to take a closer look. Reckon I'll take a potshot or two while I'm at it. I'll get back to you, Base. This is Blackhawk Six, out.” “Good luck, Six! Blackhawk Base, out.”
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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©2004 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.