The Hawksub
The Hawksub was an important vehicle in the Blackkhawks' fight against their main foe, Killer Shark, as well as in other undersea adventures such as those involving the Mermen. It made its first appearance in issue No. 96, though then called the Seahawk, it was obvious from the picture on the cover that this was the submarine that would become the Hawksub. Other issues in which the Hawksub played roles include No.s 123, 128, 147, and 158. The picture at right is exerpted from the cover of issue No. 159.
Hawksub Model built by Terry Semenoff
1/48 Scale (Click on thumbnail picture for large picture)
Terry provided the following:
Back when I was 10 years old, ITC came out with the Halibut sub. This sub was motorized, could do figure eights, dive, surface, and fire a Regulus missle. I built it and took it to a nearby pond.
The sub ran great! When it went under, it never surfaced again.
Forty years later I pieced another Halibut together. With the extra hull I had, I began construction on the HAWKSUB. The sub is 24" long and about 2" wide. Except for the hull and the dive planes everything is scratchbuilt or from the parts box. The bulges are vacuformed canopies from a large RC aircraft model. The conning tower is a roll-on deodorant container heated to shape. The periscope is bent sprue. The cannon is from GI Joe scrap box with a scratchbuilt shield. The railing is from the parts box. The rudders are modified wings from a Micronauts vehicle. + a lot of putty. It still has a motor and the diveplanes are operational. I plan to make it remote control. Decals were made using an Alps printer on decal paper. Emblems were downloaded from Dan's website. The Halibut was approx. 1:175 scale, but I think the HAWKSUB would look good with 1:48 figures.
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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©1998-2001 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.