Issue No. 158
... March 1961 The Bandit Birds from Space: Mechanical birds and trained birds didn't work for King Condor, so now he's back with giant alien birds. Hatched from two eggs found in a meteorite, even with their amazing powers, the alien birds are no match for the Black Knights.
Sabotage in Blackhawk-land: The opening of a Blackhawk theme park is plagued with accidents, actually sabotage aimed at destroying the team.
The Peril of the Ghost Weapons: A criminal scientist invents a device to reassemble destroyed machines. The crooks use it to resurrect wrecked Blackhawk equipment including the War Wheel and the Hawk-sub, to use against the Blackhawks.
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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©1998-2001 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.