Blackhawk's P-80 jolted as a 30 mm round ripped through its vertical stabilizer. One of Killer Shark's men was on his tail. Blackhawk threw the Shooting Star into a wingover dive and did an inside loop to come up below the shark-mouthed fighter. Thumb-sized slugs from his machine guns punched through the belly of the Me 262 and it exploded in a huge fireball. He was too close to avoid the debris cloud and his plane bucked and rattled as the concussion and bits of metal bombarded it. But he came out the other side with no obvious damage. Most importantly, the jet's intakes hadn't sucked in anything that could wreck the fragile turbine blades of its engine. That was a close call, but it did not break the steady, focused concentration he maintained in a dogfight. But beneath that surface calm, he felt an intense excitement. Fllying like this was his one true joy.Blackhawk looked for Killer Shark and found him hard on Andre's tail. Fire flashed from the Me 262's nose. A second later, black smoke billowed from the P-80's exhaust and it tumbled into a falling spin. Blackhawk watched Andre's ship drop out of the air battle while he aimed his plane at Killer Shark. The Shooting Star closed on the Messerschmitt. Killer Shark jinked his ship out of Blackhawk's crosshairs and the two master pilots danced through the sky, each struggling for the momentary advantage that would kill the other.
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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©2001 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.