In his peripheral vision, he was aware of Chop Chop knocking down a German fighter that had lined up for a shot at Olaf. Suddenly, a dark, shark-like shape flashed by his canopy. Blackhawk recognized it instantly - one of Killer Shark's planes.The Blackhawks had fought Killer Shark many times during the war. Killer Shark was the code name given to General Gunther Haifisch by Hitler. Haifisch had been "enhanced" by Nazi scientists as a prototype super-soldier. Fortunately for the Allies, the treatments had not proved practical for wide spread use, so Killer Shark was a unique threat. As Hitler's personal agent, Killer Shark commanded the Reich's resources as he saw fit to accomplish whatever mission the Fuehrer gave him. That included his elite staffel of Germany's most advanced fighters, the Me 262, flown by the cream of Nazi pilots.
With more than half their number destroyed or damaged, the FW 190s abandoned the battle to their more powerful comrades. The Me 262s' heavier 30 mm cannon packed more punch than the P-80s' .50 cals, but the Shooting Stars had a slight edge in speed and their power-boosted controls let them turn inside the Nazi fighters. That might be enough to balance the twelve to seven odds.
Blackhawk looped his ship to line up on the plane that had passed him but it was coming around for another shot at him. The pilot of the Messerschmitt wore a flight helmet topped with a shark fin crest. It was Killer Shark. Blackhawk kicked his rudder pedals and pushed the stick hard to starboard. The P-80 snapped into a steep banking turn. Killer Shark tried to climb away but the Me 262's notoriously slow throttle response thwarted his escape. Blackhawk fired a burst that traced across the other ship aft of its cockpit, but the Nazi fighter snaked out of his sights. Killer Shark had twice the strength of any normal pilot to muscle its controls. His plane moved nearly as nimbly as the Shooting Stars.
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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©2001 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.