But he lived, for the moment. The Marauders would be here any second and turn this place into a firestorm. He lifted himself off the ground and started for the perimeter. Then he heard the sound of a plane right over his head. A Po-2 set down a few yards ahead of him. He ran up and saw the pilot was Lilya. She waved and shouted, "Get in!" He ran up to the plane, shouting over the sound of bombs and flak guns. "The plane won't carry three people. Leave me! Save yourselves!""Olga's dead," Lilya answered. Blackhawk saw it was true. Lilya's navigator had taken a piece of shrapnel through the throat, killing her instantly.
"Take her out and get in," Lilya said. "We'll mourn for her when we get back."
He lifted the young woman out and placed her as gently as he could on the ground, not that she could feel anything but it mattered, somehow. He climbed in and Lilya accelerated as hard as the little ship would go. It seemed to take forever for the Po-2 to lift off but it did and they flew into the night. Two large, streamlined shapes whipped past them like twin tornados and he turned in time to see the B-26s drop their loads of incendiary bombs on the tank farm of rocket fuel and oxidizer. The series of explosions combined into one incredibly massive wall of fire that rippled out, turning everything in its path to ash. In seconds the entire base was destroyed.
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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©2004 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.