Who's Who: Mairzey
Name: Keng, Quan Chee, a.k.a. "Mairzey"
Born: 1926 Singapore
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 97 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: BlackA Malaysian National, Keng Quan Chee is the daughter of a Chinese businessman and an American missionary teacher stationed in Singapore.
Nicknamed "Mairzey" after her favorite song, "Mairzey Dotes and Dozey Dotes," the young girl spent her early life in that city where she was also educated. Her schooling included two years at the Van der Koening Secretarial School.
Mairzey joined Blackhawk Airways in Singapore and went with them in their relocation to the U.S. in 1948. She was named Assistant Director of Ground Operations by Janos Prohaska and functioned as B.H.A.'s office manager.
The former Keng Quan Chee currently lives in the Georgetown section of the District of Columbia.
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