Issue No. 266
January 1984
The New Recruit!: Lt. Theodore Gaynor, USMC, is recommended by Churchill as the replacement for Chop-Chop. Gaynor is very competent but his spit and polish ways rub most of the Blackhawks the wrong way. He's also cold and ruthless. Chuck is upset when he sees Gaynor shoot an unconscious German soldier. Meanwhile, the Nazis have created a double for Blackhawk, who uses his appearance to gather intelligence. Professor Merson escapes prison. A giant, metal worm bristling with guns crawls though London, heading for No. 10 Downing St. Some of the Blackhawks investigate while Blackhawk finds Merson. The team destroys the steel worm but it was a diversion for the duplicate Blackhawk to capture Churchill. Gaynor shoots the double without a moments hesitation. The real Blackhawk returns with Merson and Churchill hires him for more pay than the Germans were giving him. Gaynor is thinking that he could run the team better than Blackhawk. (coloring by Jo Meugniot)
Detached Service Diary - Make 'em Laugh!: Olaf arranges to meet an Allied courier at the circus where he used to perform. While having dinner with his friends, the Nazis show up. The circus people disguise Olaf as a clown. Not a great clown (he was an acrobat originally), Olaf manages to save the courier and put the Nazis out of action, with help from his circus friends. (illustrated by Don Newton and Dennis Jensen)
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