Issue No. 254
January 1983
What Price Courage?: While the rest of the team tries to stop a Panzer division advancing on a French town that is resisting the Germans, Blackhawk flies to Switzerland to find Professor Merson. But it is a trap set by Domino. Stan is having self doubts about his ability to lead when Blackhawk is gone. Then he gets a message from Allied and takes the team to Berne where they find Blackhawk tied to the front of a tank. They are surrounded by German soldiers. The only way out seems to be to destroy the tank and Blackhawk orders Olaf to do that. Domino is filming the scene of the Blackhawks killing their own leader to save their lives to be used as propaganda. Only, Olaf fires the bazooka at the solders instead of the tank and every body escapes.
Detached Service Diary - The Crazy House!: Chuck tracks Nordling, Hitler's personal courier into an abandoned house. Nordling seems crazy and Chuck hurts himself trying to get away from him. Nordling is crazy but harmless, he only wanted to keep Chuck from harming some stray cats for which he had been caring. Mostly a character study that uses flashbacks to a vaudeville show Chuck had seen on his first visit to New York, but not to much point. (Dave Cockrum-illustrator)
(Click here for the original art for this cover).
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