Issue No. 236
September 1967
Melt, Mutant, Melt!: The Blackhawks and the twins wrap up the story left hanging in the previous issue and the Blackhawks return to their new base, a floating iceberg. We get to see a the VTOL F-105 fitted with skis. Somehow, all seven Blackhawks fit into one F-105! It's a big plane, but really! Zinda, who apparently is permanently stationed at the floating HQ now, gives them another mission from GEORGE. They find Dr. Manton, a scientist who has been mutated by an experiment. It's not really Dr. Manton, but a secret agent posing as a mutant to cover his true identity. He runs the Blackhawks through a series of traps that bungs them up but in the end they beat him. This is the third issue in a row to feature Stan as the Golden Centurion on the cover, even though he is hardly central to the story. Is this because he has the least silly looking costume? And of course, Stan isn't a mutant at all, just a guy in a powered suit. Maybe DC thought putting "mutant" on the cover would draw some X-Men fans.
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