Issue No. 141
... October 1959 The Crimes of the Captive Masterminds: A group of kidnapped scientists are forced to invent weapons for the Crime Commander.
The Blackhawk Housekeeper: Hendrickson's Aunt Gretchen comes to Blackhawk Island and makes life hell for the boys as their housekeeper when she accidentally activates the Flying Tank.
The Nine Lives of the Cat-man: A crook is completely fearless because he believes he has nine lives like a cat and cannot die. Like many Blackhawk foes, he has his own sleek jet plane.
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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©1998-2001 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.