Issue No. 107
December 1956
The Winged Menace!: A combination of Blackhawk and Popular Science, this story features an experimental one-man helicopter that was actually tested by the Army. The story revolves around the Commies attempts to steal this astounding secret weapon from the West by posing as fake Blackhawks. The real Black Knights foil their plans using the "aerocycles." In reality, the aerocycle was not practical and was never used. This story does include a good dogfight between the Blackhawks and a squadron of Mig-15s. And doesn't this cover look like a Popular Science cover from the same period?
Red Helicopter Ambush: A non-Blackhawk story, Sargeant Harte is an Army paymaster who longs for action. He gets it when the Reds ambush the helicopter in which he is transporting $3,000,000. Harte uses his brains and his gun to defeat the enemy.
Red Timetable of Treachery: The amazingly uninspired title matches this story. The Reds are planning a coup in Jordan since the British have left. The Blackhawks land at a military base still under command of a British colonel, now in the Jordanian Army. A series of ambushes lead Blackhawk to the realization that the colonel is the leader of the Red conspirators.
Origin of the Blackhawks: A text history of the team's origin with cameo pictures of each member.
One Minute Till Doom The Blackhawks don't come off as too smart in this story. In an unidentified "Far Eastern" country, they hand over plans for an H-bomb test to two scientists they already suspect as Red agents. They are red agents and lead an attack on the test to detonate the bomb prematurely. Supposedly this will cause trouble for the U.S. with its allies in the region. The Black Knights stop the plan with fists and brawn instead of brains.
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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©1998-2001 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.