Issue No. 94
November 1955
Web of the Black Widow: Della Dale of the Ocean News is really the Black Widow. Leading an army of underlings, she rescues Mogreb from prison. 24 hours later they steal the Atomic Ray Projector. The Blackhawks give chase. The ray is turned on the Blackhawks but Blackhawk had substituted a harmless uranium ore for the power source before it was stolen. The Ray doesn't work and the gang is captured.
Crook mistakes Chop-Chop for dentist. Chop-Chop drills crook into police waiting arms.
Blind Victory: A booby-trapped package blinds all the Blackhawks but Chop-Chop. A allied country is invaded and Chop-Chop and Blackhawk answer the call for help. It looks bad as Blackhawk is out-numbered but the other Blackhawks follow, using a radio signal. They all attack using radar-eyes guided missiles. The blind Blackhawks defeat the enemy. Their eyes clear in time to capture the enemy leaders.
The Prophet of Doom: A prophet predicts many disasters that come true, until he predicts end of the Blackhawks. The prophet frightens people into leaving cities. The Blackhawks put down a revolt and uncover a plot of a general to overthrow his own country.
Thanks to David Chapman for submitting this issue.
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