Issue No. 90
July 1955
The Storm King: A Communist villain uses a giant machine to generate hurricane like winds that destroy cities. He demands the surrender of the free world. The Blackhawks rescue the actual inventor from a Red prison and learn its weakness. Blackhawk lets the machine run over him so he can get to the controls underneath it. He reverses the flow, turning it into a giant vacuum cleaner and it sucks in a locomotive and is destroyed.
Chop-Chop: Chop-Chop gets into trouble on a visit to New York City.
The Bubbles of Doom: Would be dictator Karlok attacks the Republic of Vandia with impenetrable force bubbles. He puts a huge bubble around the main city which starts to strangle with out fresh air. Even a nuclear bomb has no effect. Blackhawk tricks Karlok's general into revealing the dictator's location by trapping him in a fake force bubble. Blackhawk chases Karlok who runs into the force bubbles' power feeds, shorting them out and electrocuting himself. The bubbles disappear and everybody is safe. This is a very good story with a believable menace that is overcome with brains instead of brawn.
The Villainess Who Smashed the Blackhawk Team: When the Blackhawks capture a Red spy, his beautiful daughter, Tigra, vows vengeance. She tricks Andre into telling her the teams plans to lay a trap, but Andre catches her in a mistake just in time to save his team mates. A weak story but I suppose somebody thought Tigra would look better on the cover than the force bubbles.
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