Issue No. 89
June, 1955
The Super Communists: The Blackhawks are forced to crash their jets high in the Himalayas where they are captured by a strange race of blind villains who use their advanced technology to attempt world destruction before the Blackhawks escape to thwart them. Why these people are described as "super-communists" is unclear; there is nothing apparently communistic about them apart from their evil plan.
The Fight for Survival: Chuck survives a close call in his fight against The Viper, and appears to be so shaken that he resigns from the Blackhawk team. In fact, The Viper is holding Chuck's family as hostages. When Hendrickson rescues the hostages, Chuck hammers The Viper's face in.
The Ghost Raiders of the Sky: (cover story) Communists drop hydrogen bombs on Easter Europe from balloons launched from behind the Iron Curtain. The Blackhawks outsmart the Communists and escape in one of the enemy's own balloons.
Thanks to Doug Husak for submitting this issue.
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