Issue No. 72
January 1954
Death in the Iron Mask - A united world expedition attempts to place a radar site on top of Mt. Merciless, but instead discovers a lost race of warriors, and are destroyed. The Hawks take up the task, but are captured by King Merciless and Blackhawk receives an iron mask with collar that slowly chokes him. Through a series of contests, the Hawks prove modern man is tougher than ancient man and destroy the kingdom.
Chop Chop - Chop takes up taxi driving with the usual comic results.
The Death Legion - The Blackhawks jet engines are 'neutralized' while flying over a desert area, and they are captured by the Desert Wolf and his death legion using the neutralizing weapon. Bent on world conquest, the Desert Wolf holds Andre hostage and forces the other Hawks to fly bombing missions. Using their cap insignias to focus the sun's reflection onto a pile of dynamite, the Hawks destroy the camp.
The Invasion from Within - An atomic bomb test opens a hole in the earth's crust releasing an invasion by the grotesque "inner people". The Hawks capture one of them and learn they are Russian agents trying to stop the U.S. from further atomic testing.
Thanks to David Chapman for submitting the cover and to Roger Hill for writing the synopsis for this issue.
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