Issue No. 54
July 1952
Terror in the Jungle - The Hawks receive a letter for help from a south sea island chief, Kuani Moaro. He's held prisoner in his village by a sub-chief and a vicious commie, Capt. Droski. The Hawks fly to help their old chieftain friend but are themselves captured. They're tied to stakes to await being killed by the natives but are befriended by a young woman whom they believe can't understand a word of English.
Special page - of a MIG and Blackhawk's jet side by side. A simplistic blueprint/silhouette showing dimensional differences between the two planes.
Chop-Chop story "Gorgeous Tojo"
Monsters of the Deep - Dr. Dimitri devises robotic octopi to storm Blackhawk Island and kill the Hawks but Colonel Leopold Avik wants to keep the island as a military station so precautions are made not to cause total devastation. This allows the hawks to board one of the Octopi robots and ride it underwater to hook up with its submarine station.
Text page - "Man of Darkness"
Circles of Suicide - Blackhawk Island is attacked (again!). This time by manned flying discs which explode making contact with anything else. The Hawks down one of the craft and learn it's manned by an inmate of an asylum on Tumaru Atoll. At night, Andre and Blackhawk investigate the asylum but are captured. They are forced to man the suicide discs on another attack of Blackhawk Island. (The reason behind the whole attack is never explained. I guess if you live or work in a South Pacific asylum, you don't need a reason to attack your neighbor.)
Thanks to David Chapman for submitting the cover for this issue and Don Secrease for submitting the synopsis.
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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©1998-2001 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.