Issue No. 36
January 1951
The Prison of Despair - The country of Khartoor is attacked by its neighbor, Jinnestan, when its leader, Gandor Ras, mysteriously disappears and the female dictator, Tarya, takes his place. Blackhawk is shot down during a dog fight and taken prisoner. He's placed in a dungeon where he finds the imprisoned Ras. Together they plan their escape.
The Air Raiders - Dog fights galore as, after attacking Larkin cargo planes, the Air Raiders face off with the Hawks who were asked to safeguard the cargo plane by its owner. Kate Royle, leader of the Raiders, is intent on robbing Larkin of his property as an act of revenge for losing her fiance to the company. Realizing all the men and equipment is beyond her means, Blackhawk inquires about her mysterious benefactor but Kate refuses to answer him.
An Ancient Tower of Evil - (my title) - The Hawks fly to the town of Novota when its mayor asks for help to investigate the murders of two townspeople in an old clock tower. A mysterious figure appears then vanishes before the Hawks can capture him, so they, in turn, set a trap for the possible murderer.
Chop-Chop 5-pger
2 pg-text story - "Spider Man"
The Legion of Corpses - Flying in the vicinity, the Hawks are asked by the French Foreign Legion to fly to the fort at Ridi-Bel-Abbes to investigate radio messages for help that sounded like a woman's voice. During their visit to Ridi-Bel-Abbes, the fort's commandant, Captain Kropp, welcomes the Hawks. Chuck and Olaf discover the fort's legionnaires are actually Arab Bedouins in disguise. Kropp, a former Nazi, captures the Hawks and imprison them where they find the woman behind the original radio message for help.
Thanks to David Chapman for submitting the cover for this issue and Don Secrease for submitting the synopsis.
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