Issue No. 29
February 1950
Menace of the Baselisk - Long on page count, short on plot, this adventure begins with a private session of a group of small countries' leaders discussing the threat of a hidden terrorist named Baselisk and his minions, the B-men. Thought to be an eons-old chieftain, the Baselisk rises to instill fear into the surrounding countries. Blackhawk foils an assassination attempt on the committee's leader and follows the B-men to their mountain hide-out, where he and, later, the other Hawks make short work of the Baselisk before unmasking him (or her).
Chop-Chop 6 page story
3/4 page text story: "Flying Saucer"
The Plunderers - This issue should not be known for its story content. If you thought the first story sounded unimaginative, wait'll you read about this beauty. After hearing radio reports about selected towns in Asia, Europe and the US being robbed and then bombed, the Hawks, convinced the police and their respective federal agencies aren't equipped to handle a handful of black/white colored aircraft, track down the group responsible (in one panel) and watch as the bad guys fly through an island waterfall into a hidden lair. There, the Plunderers (otherwise known as the Bowery Boys), want to make the Hawks their prisoners and use their planes as decoys after they rob again. Chop Chop frees them and they battle the bad guys and win. (Short, but not short enough, and sweet, what do you think?)
As you can tell by my inane comments, not one of the better issues. But what about the artwork, you ask? 'Fraid it's on the same par as the stories.
Thanks to David Chapman for submitting the cover for this issue and Don Secrease for submitting the synopsis.
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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©1998-2003 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.