Sunlight glittered off a silver and red P-80 Shooting Star flying high above the blackened fields of western Russia. The man at the jet fighter's controls, known to the world as Blackhawk, nudged the joystick a bit to the right and dropped his starboard wing. The train tracks he'd been following led through the gates of a large, heavily fortified base. He swung around to make a pass directly over the base and switched on the cameras mounted in the P-80's nose. He could hear the whine of the high-speed cameras even above the usual noises of the aircraft.As the far perimeter of the Nazi base passed below him, Blackhawk switched off his cameras and banked for another run. His peripheral vision caught a flash on the ground and he turned his head in time to see a column of smoke rising from the site of the flash and heading right for him. He jerked his plane around in a tight maneuver and the anti-aircraft missile followed, duplicating his every move exactly. The winged cylinder seemed to grow in size as it closed the distance at a rate he could not possibly outrun.
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All characters, pictures, and related indicia on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text is ©2004 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the wonderful writers, artists, and editors who created the Blackhawks.