What's New on the
Batmodel Website?

        I was too optimistic about Topcities. They have become completely unresponsive so I was forced to move the site again. This time I bought a domain name so even if the site does have to be relocated to a different hosting service in the future, the URLs will not change so access will not be affected.
        Added a page for the Robinmobile.

        The previous host service deleted the site without warning, so I've moved it to our paid hosting server. There should be no further problems with hosting.
        Added a page for the Batplane of the 1970's.

        Added the original appearance date for the Bubble Dome Batmobile, courtesy of Ken Kwil. Also, added a link to Ken's neat scratchbuilt model of the Bubble Dome Batmobile.
        Added the Model Museum's Bat Model page to the Links.

        I reposted the more detailed description of the construction of the 1970's Batmobile.

        Because of the continuing problems with Geocities, I've moved the site to this location. Hopefully, it will continue to provide the excellent service that I've had so far.

        Since this is the initial posting of the website, everything is new. But, in the future, I hope to have updates here pointing to new models added to the site, including more Batplanes and a Batcave dirorama.

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The character of Batman, the emblems and the comic book panels on these pages are the property of DC Comics. All text and photographs are ©2001-2013 Dan Thompson, except where otherwise noted. This homepage is not intended to infringe on the copyright of DC Comics to its characters, but was created out of gratitude to all the talented writers, artists, and editors who created the Batman.